Backroom deals with Chris Christie, skipping town with Democratic campaign funds, and a legacy of dysfunction, waste, and lawsuits.  Meet the real Jerry Speziale.


MAGA Jerry refers to a delusional Jerry Speziale, a former two-bit politician in Passaic County, New Jersey, known for his controversial political affiliations and actions. The term "MAGA" stands for "Make America Great Again," a slogan associated with former President Donald Trump's political movement. "MAGA Jerry" gained prominence due to Speziale's alignment with Republican figures, including Chris Christie, and his perceived abandonment of Democratic principles, representing disrespect towards women, Hispanic, Black, Asian communities.


  1. Political Opportunism and Betrayal: Known for colluding with top Republicans, including Chris Christie, which led to the abandonment of Democratic colleagues and constituents, showcasing a pattern of political opportunism.

  2. Lack of Integrity and Character: Notorious for misleading the public about campaign contributions and demonstrating a lack of integrity and honesty in political dealings. MAGA Jerry lied publicly to a news reporter when he said how and where he would donate his Democratic campaign contributions, “For my sick wife-cancer UMDNJ, the needy children, baseball, soccer, kids, sports which I believe in, etc.” shows his lack of character.

  3. Endorsements Contrary to Democratic Values: Criticized for endorsing Republican candidates who oppose women's rights and deny election results, undermining progressive ideals and values.

  4. Financial Mismanagement and Inefficiency: Oversaw significant budget increases and tax hikes, fostering a dysfunctional work environment marked by lawsuits and wasteful spending.

  5. Campaign Lies and Self-Serving Motives: Often accused of making empty promises of compassion, respect, and understanding while prioritizing personal gain over genuine public service.

Usage Example: "Politicians who prioritize personal gain and political expediency over the needs of their constituents are often referred to as 'MAGA Jerry,' a term derived from Jerry Speziale's controversial tenure marked by political betrayal and questionable actions."

[mag-uh jer-ee]

MAGA Jerry


“Jerry Speziale would wear a MAGA hat and dance onstage to YMCA with Donald Trump if he thought it would get him his next elected position,” said Currie. “Jerry is a two-bit politician and a fraud.  He sold us out for his own blind ambition before and he will do it again.  We have all worked too hard and come too far to allow a deceitful MAGA supporting Christie conspirator to try and sneak in and steal this election. He doesn’t even have the common decency or respect for the people who built this party and work every day towards its successes to come and share his vision.”

“Speziale is well-known among county Democrats for selling out the Democratic Party when he colluded with top Republicans in 2010 to abandon his post as County Sheriff to accept then-Governor Chris Christie’s offer to work at the Port Authority. Speziale’s resignation in the middle of a contentious political campaign was later confirmed in a sworn affidavit from a top Port Authority official to be arranged directly by Christie in an attempt to hamstring the county Democratic Party."

“Jerry Speziale lied to all of us almost fifteen years ago when he asked for our support and then ran off to join Chris Christie and then he lied again when he said he would donate our campaign contributions to charity,” said Niccollai and Coscia.  “Even if you support Christie and Speziale, you have to ask yourself, ‘what kind of person would lie about donating to charity and what else would he lie about?’ It’s appalling to think that any politician can take our money and lie for more than a decade with absolutely zero repercussion but I suppose nothing should surprise us in the age of Donald Trump.”

Proclaiming “we need real problem-solvers in Washington, D.C., leaders who will actually get things done,” MAGA Jerry previously endorsed Pennsylvania Congressman Dan Meuser, a proudly pro-Trump election denier and staunch advocate in the fight to strip away women’s rights.

MAGA Jerry also endorsed a Republican for Sheriff against then-candidate Richard Berdnik in 2013, and allowed his name to appear on a mailer endorsing the Republican candidate for Surrogate in 2021.

As Sheriff, Speziale also oversaw a fifty percent increase in the department’s budget resulting in massive tax increases for Passaic County residents. Then-Sheriff Speziale fostered a dysfunctional work environment where lawsuits were rampant and millions of dollars in settlements and attorney’s fees were wasted to clean-up for his failed leadership.